The Year of Disciplines, Habits, Goals, and Identity

Many people have struggled in 2020 with Coronavirus being the main culprit behind the stressors. For me, 2020 has been challenging professionally as an educator during this time attempting to help staff, students, families, and coaches navigate change, while navigating change myself.

With all the professional craziness of 2020, looking back, I realized I had some personal successes. The main one being I’ve lost 50 pounds since March thanks to Intermittent Fasting, which my hair dresser introduced me to, and learning about proper nutrient timing. (I may or may not have binge watched every single video from Autumn Bates on YouTube!)

Now if you know me, you know I thrive on setting and reaching goals and creating effective and efficient systems in what I do. (Gallup StrengthsFinder says my #1 is Strategic). One of my physical goals in 2020 was to exercise at least 20 times a month for 20 minutes each time—I figured that was realistic. (I’m happy to report that I’ve exercised 363 times in 2020, compared to the 22 times I exercised in 2019 😂 #embarrassing). My other goal was to drink a 24 oz. bottle of water a day, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but I was likely only drinking one 16 oz bottle maybe every couple days. I probably drink about 32-75 oz. of water a day now, because I‘ve grown to like water haha.

To top it off, I’ve become mildly obsessed with James Clear’s “Atomic Habits”. I could talk about this all day. (If you’re wanting to make changes in your life, besides the Bible, this is my most recommended book! I listen to it on Audible every year now before the new year begins… it’s such a help in many different areas of my life.)

With 2021 just around the corner I’m excited to publicly share my new approach to goals, with a greater focus on creating good habits and sustained disciplines (thanks to Craig Groeschel’s Leadership Podcast and again, “Atomic Habits”).

For the past nine years or so I’ve created goals for the New Year in each of these categories: Spiritual, Soul, Physical, Family (Relational), and Finances.

But after learning more about “Atomic Habits” combined with some principles from Craig Groeschel’s Leadership Podcast, I’ve decided to take my systems to the next level by answering these questions:

  1. What’s a discipline I want to have in the specific area?
  2. What habit(s) should I put into practice to build that discipline?
  3. What is my ultimate goal in having that discipline in my life?
  4. What type of person do I hope my disciplines, habits, and goals shape me to be? (My identity… a big part of “Atomic Habits”)

So below is my system for 2021:


Discipline: Pray every morning (focused)

Habit: After my devotional time, I will set a two minute timer to pray. (You can do anything for two minutes! I’ve already been doing this, and as expected, I often go over two minutes. Which gives me the dopamine rush that comes with accomplishment.)

Goal: Be a prayer warrior, someone people can count on to intercede 

Identity: May it be said of me that I’m a spiritually mature person. 


Discipline: Journal 

Habit: On Saturday mornings I will write in my gratitude journal. 

Goal: To be more thankful and reflect on God’s goodness and provision in my life

Identity: May it be said of me that I’m a person who is thankful for the big things AND the little things. 


Discipline: 30-60 minute no tech time before bed

Habit: Between 8:00-9:00 p.m. I will put away technology (plug in phone, turn off TV)

Goal: Get better, deeper sleep to be refreshed and help with my wellness goals

Identity: May it be said of me that I’m a person who lives a healthy lifestyle


Discipline: On Fridays I will write one card of appreciation a week. 

Habit: Put a blank card in the Friday folder 

Habit: Set a recurring alarm on my phone

Goal: To assume more positive intent and be a CEO (chief encouraging officer!)

Identity: May it be said of me that I’m a person who sees the good in others. 


Discipline: Put more money down toward debt

Habit: Pay this one RIGHT after my budgeting and tithe.

Goal: Pay off Walmart CC by Feb and BOA CC by end of year– no more CC debt! 

Identity: May it be said of me that I’m a financially stable person.

So there it is. Who I’m hoping to be this upcoming year and how I’m going to grow into that person. I likely won’t be perfect at this, and I will fail. But to quote James Clear: “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. Majority rules.” So if I am more successful than not, I would say I’ve achieved the identity status I’m hoping for. I won’t beat myself up. I’ll try to live by the principle: never miss a habit twice in a row!

Now, I’ve been trying to get all that into words for about a month and was finally able to. Feel free to call me out or hold me accountable! And I hope you all are able to achieve your dreams in 2021!

Bonus: James Clear’s Tips for Creating Habits

  1. Make it easy
  2. Make it obvious
  3. Make it attractive
  4. Make it satisfying

Lessons I’m Learning in Leadership

Well a lot has happened over the past year, and I haven’t blogged much really since leaving the classroom to become and Instructional Coach and now a middle school assistant principal. One thing I’m passionate about though is leadership and professional growth. When I accepted the role as AP at Eisenhower Middle School this past summer I decided to write down lessons I was learning as I went. I’ve listed them below! Some are redundant, I’m guessing because well, some lessons take more than one experience to learn! Through all these lessons I’ve learned about leadership, I’ve also learned a lot about myself and about other people.

Lessons I’m Learning in Leadership Semester One First Year Admin

2018-2019 School Year

Everything in a leadership position isn’t enjoyable, but consider others and use it as a chance for God to grow and develop you.

One of the worst things a leader can do is try to have their hand in everything.

Some decisions aren’t always popular and people will express that in their demeanor… Don’t take it personally!

How you phrase things is critically important when delivering a thought.

Do your best, knowing that you’ve done everything you can.

In the midst of conflict, don’t shut down.

Keep your composure.

Before you speak, consider: Will it hurt or help your testimony for Christ? Will it help or hinder your influence?

Be mindful of what you say and who you say it to.

Everyone is motivated differently. You gotta know people.

Don’t make things a bigger deal than what they need to be.

Just be real and be yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them!

Keep work-related stuff to work hours, it’s better for your balance.

When you’re calm, people around you are calm. And it’s just more pleasant that way!

When emotions are high, wisdom is low.

Don’t compare yourself to other leaders. God made us differently! And that’s fine! God made you to be YOU as a leader and them to be them!

Keep emails short.

Avoid blanket statements!

Don’t send emails on the weekends. Or texts.

How you respond when you’re misunderstood, misrepresented, or mistreated is important.

Speak with respect. Find common ground. Focus on Jesus.

You can’t control people. You can’t always control situations. But you CAN control yourself. Don’t let what you can’t control work you up and get the best of you.

Wisdom isn’t knowing everything, it’s embracing the things you can’t explain.

When people talk and you ask for responses, listen and acknowledge and affirm.

Support the staff.

Choose words wisely in emails.

Don’t aim for perfection. Aim for progress.

Communicate early and often.

Don’t be hasty.

Remember who you represent (Jesus).

A good attitude goes a long way.

Be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. -James 1:19-20

There’s always more going on than what’s shown on the surface.

Rules are there for a reason.

You’re not always right.

Don’t jump to conclusions or assumptions.

It’s okay to disagree but there’s a proper way to disagree.

Not everything has to be addressed right away. Find the right time, the right tone, and the right attitude.

When having tough conversations, don’t forget to listen. And remember that all behavior is communication. What is the person saying? And what is the person NOT saying?

If you ask for feedback, honor the feedback.

Be concise through investigations.

Don’t say yes right away.

Honor and respect your authority.

Leaders need to be humble.

You need patience with those below you but you also need patience with those above you.

It’s okay to not respond right away so you can respond properly.

There’s always more to a story than what you think you know.

Don’t change things last minute; consider all that will be affected.

Stand for what you value.

If you don’t decide what’s important in your life someone else will decide for you.

Don’t let what should be mole hills becomes mountains.

Trust that people will be professional.

Don’t freak out right away, give things a chance, it’s not going to be perfect right away.

All behavior is communication.

Have confidence, patience, and remain CALM (with yourself).

Don’t major in the minor.

Go slow to go fast.

Our job isn’t to convince the critics, our job is to do our job.

Presentation matters.

Don’t just learn to live with criticism, learn to lead through it. There will always be critics.

Don’t base decisions off of ONE person.

If someone can do something 50% as well as you with momentum and upside, delegate it to them! Give away everything that someone else can do. The goal is to eventually do what only you need to do.

Meet people where they’re at.

If they’re asking questions that means they trust you.

Inquire before you advocate. Don’t advocate right away!

Stand by instruction.

Value others’ opinions.

Don’t give away too much in your facial expression.

Don’t laugh at unnecessary remarks, even if you think they’re funny.

Stay true to the purpose of school.

You don’t have to respond RIGHT away.

When you ask a question. Pause for an answer.

Don’t make a decision based on one person.

Relationships are the glue.

Sometimes you just HAVE to make a decision.

There are different TYPES of decisions.

How you say it matters.

Not everyone is passionate about what you’re passionate about.

Listen. Listen. Listen. AUTHENTICALLY.

Not everything (or everyone) is perfect.

The only person who will meet my expectations, is me.

Leaders aren’t always liked.

Lead from your feet not from your seat.

The 72-hour rule. (If something still bothers you after 72 hours then the issue should be addressed. Waiting 72 hours allots sufficient time to process your emotions and you will have the ability to approach the situation more rationally.)

Growth Principle 70-25-5

• Give 70 percent of your time to your areas of strength.

• Give 25 percent of your time to the areas you want to improve.

• Give 5 percent of your time to the areas of your weakness.

80-20 Rule

80% managerial stuff (6.5 hours)

20% to what you’re passionate about (1.5 hours)

Anxiety comes from trying to change what you don’t like, influence things you can’t change, or trying to explain something you don’t know. Don’t try to influence an outcome you can’t influence; (it gives you anxiety of what you can’t control!).

Proverbs 17:28 – if you have a problem being opinionated! Hold your peace! Close your mouth! Listen! Proverbs 18:13

You’re never more like Jesus than when you are humbly serving others.

So much to weep about… but do we?

I did some studying after I came upon this verse, and I could only find two specific times in the New Testament where Jesus “wept“. The first being when he found out about the death of his dear friend, Lazarus. The second, below, when he was coming into Jerusalem:

“And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,” -Luke 19:41 KJV

Both of these instances were in regards to OTHERS. Which convicted me.

It made me think, as Christians, when was the last time we wept over… Liberal, KS? Or our country? Or our workplace? Our school? The students? Teachers? Coaches? Our unsaved loved ones? The list could go on and on.

But you could also take it to a more personal level…

When was the last time you wept over your own sin? Like Peter did, when he denied Jesus… Three times to be exact. Which we see three chapters later:

“And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.” -Luke 22:61-62 KJV

I think it’s safe to say that denying Christ comes in many forms. Any time we don’t choose Jesus in our words, through our actions, or even our thoughts… we’re denying Him.

Wow. So much to weep about… but do we? #conviction

Be Content

A lot of people don’t know this story (probably because it’s so embarrassing). But when I was younger, I believe in 8th grade, I wanted blonde hair. I thought only pretty people had blonde hair. All my friends who were blonde… were pretty!  So naturally, I wanted that, too. 

But on top of naturally wanting that, to be like everyone else, I had a problem. I had (and still do by God’s grace!) natural red hair. 

I remember telling my mom I wanted to dye my hair blonde and for some crazy reason… she let me. 

Oh my. As I looked in the mirror with my dyed hair job gone wrong I was mortified. What was I thinking?!  I’m a natural red head, and we all know natural red heads are some of the palest creatures on earth!  So with my freak dye job (which did NOT make me pretty) and my pale skin I begged someone in my family to take me back to the drugstore to find a magical concotion that could take that awful bleach blondish orange color out of my hair. 

And thankfully I did. And sixteen years later, I run around with my natural, sometimes pretty (depending on the day), red hair. 

As a fourteen year old girl I was naive to the fact of what I already had. I was so fixated on wanting change that I was blind to something that frankly didn’t even need change. 

But as adults, those blinders sometimes come back on. Let me give you a different perspective. 

Maybe as you read this you’re unhappy in an area of your life that you’ve come to the conclusion of:  “If I just had __________ I would be more content.” 

If I just had a different boss… I would be more content. 

If I just had a different job… I would be more content.

If I lived in a bigger city… I would be more content. 

If I just had a better car or a nicer house… I would be more content.

If I had blonde hair… I would be more content. 

I’m convinced that a lot of times we lack happiness where we’re at is because we’re fixated on something that God doesn’t intend for us right now, or maybe even never.  We’re unhappy because we choose to be unhappy and there’s nothing wrong, it’s like we make it up in our own minds. 

The Bible says in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

So before you get caught in the trap of manipulating your way or taking a shortcut to somewhere you’re not even supposed to be yet… look around you and consider what you do have. 

And consider the consequences.  

My challenge to you:  Be content where you’re at until the Holy Spirit moves you. God has you where you are for a reason. Maybe it’s to reach a lost soul that only you could reach. Or maybe it’s because He wants to grow you to be more like his Son.  Don’t rush into things. Be content

Excuses, Excuses 

I haven’t blogged in months. I’m a little embarrassed!  But I promise I have a good excuse. Maybe more than one…

  1. I’m no longer a teacher in the classroom. As I’ve stated before, I’m now an Instructional Coach at Cottonwood Elementary here in Liberal, KS.  So it’s been difficult to come up with ideas for my blogging. I’ve been trapped as to what to write about that can relate to Jesus and the work I do. 
  2. Being in the classroom I felt like I was presented with a lot of opportunities and ideas that I could easily blog about and somehow relate back to Christ. My students taught me quite a bit. Jesus opened my eyes in numerous ways the past seven years.
  3. Being an instructional coach, my mission field has changed. Yes, I still have a passion for students, both educationally and spiritually. However, in this new position I work more with adults so it’s harder to find things to write about.

I could go on and on and blame my lack of blogging on the fact that I’m in a new position working with a different “age group”.

But God didn’t make me to make excuses. And God doesn’t want you to make excuses either!  

Maybe this week you found yourself justifying your sin.  Or perhaps you were lazy in your Bible reading and prayer life, yet came up with “acceptable” excuses as to why it was okay. Or maybe you haven’t been to church in awhile because you’re mad at someone; or don’t feel comfortable, or you just enjoy that extra time to sleep in. 

Listen, God isn’t a fan of excuses, no matter the reasoning behind them.  And we shouldn’t be okay with excuses either.  We often make excuses because we’re lazy, disobedient, selfish, and prideful. 

This reminds me of how thankful I am that my Savior didn’t make excuses when He was hanging on the cross for my sin!  

You didn’t hear anything like this come from His mouth:

  • “I’m too tired, not today please.”
  • “They deserve their own punishment.”
  • “Now’s just not a good time.”
  • “Sooo… what do I get out of this?”

I get it. It’s tough some times. We get caught up in the busyness of life. But when you become known for making excuses, that’s a problem. Every excuse you make, makes it easier to give another one. 

Be strong this weekend. Get up. Get out. Read your Bible. Clean. Go to church. Pray. Workout. Do your lesson plans.  Rake those leaves… (if you have any in Liberal!)

And don’t let your reputation be defined by your excuses. 

Being 30: What I Thought My Life Would Look Like

So it’s been a couple weeks… I’m not talking about how long it’s been since my last blog post, I’m talking about how long I’ve been the big 3-0 for.  Yup, I’m officially thirty years old!  Now if you were to ask my 19 year-old-self what I thought my like would look like when I was thirty, this is what I would’ve said:

  • I’d be married married to some hunk I’d meet in college
  • I’d have at least one kid
  • I’d be teaching high school juniors or seniors (honor students of course)
  • I’d be a home owner

HA.  But here’s my reality:

  • I’m single… but totally okay with it (especially since it’s God’s will right now)
  • NO kids
  • I’ve NEVER taught high school; I taught 7th grade.  And now I’m an Instructional Coach at an ELEMENTARY school, working on my master’s degree to be a PRINCIPAL.
  • I live in a super-nice apartment with one of my best friends.

Definitely not what I had in mind.  But you know what?  I’m so happy and content. Content, yet willing to be uncomfortable with leaps of faith.  Why is that?  Well, because when I was 20 years old I got saved and since then I’ve wanted God to have His way in my life.

Looking back on my twenties, numerous things have happened!

  • Got a bachelor’s degree
  • Moved to Liberal, KS
  • Became a teacher
  • Coached soccer
  • Coached basketball
  • Started graduate courses for my master’s
  • Made some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for (future bridesmaids?!)
  • Purchased my first (and second) iPhone (haha) ((soon to be third))
  • Bought my first vehicle all by myself
  • Most importantly, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior!

I had a BLAST in my twenties!  God brought me through a lot; praise the Lord.  He changed my life!  I’m not who I was, thank goodness; and I’m excited for my thirties!  I know God still has great things for me.

So mark it down, here’s what I *think* my life will look like when I’m forty:

  • Married (lol, of course… only if it’s God’s will)
  • A kid or two
  • Principal at a middle school or maybe even elementary school
  • Owning a home
  • Raising my family in Liberal, KS still

We… Shall… See…!  God’s plans for my twenties were way better than what I had in mind, so I can only imagine what He has in-store for me in my thirties!

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV


When it Comes to Change 

 This place right here has had a significant part molding me into who I am today for the past 7 years.  

I remember the day I applied for this specific teaching job online and thought it was a fake website. Haha!  

I remember the phone interview (and how I wasn’t even going to answer it). 

Can’t forget the in-person interview where I was scared and intimidated leaving it and hoping they wouldn’t offer me the position. 

And finally, moving out to this town I’d never heard of where I knew absolutely no one. 

In this building, I’ve learned a lot about myself and what it means to be a better teacher, friend, colleague, role model, leader, follower, coach, and mentor.  I’ve made some lifelong friendships working here; friendships that God knew I needed.  

It’s a place where my faith, patience, and humility have all been tested and tried.  Sometimes the outcome had a sweet savor  of success; other times, the stench of failure. But underneath that was the chance for growth and self-discipline and motivation. 

I was really looking forward to being in a brand spankin’ new building this upcoming year which I emphatically voted “yes” for a few years ago on the bond issue.  However, after months of  a combination of prayer, reading God’s Word, messages from the pulpit, and seeking godly counsel;  this journey has come to a bittersweet twist.

I’ll be an Instructional Coach at Cottonwood Elementary this next school year where I’ll get to take my experiences and knowledge gained from being at SMS and help other educators in their individual journeys. I’m nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time!  

I’m nervous because I’ll be at an elementary school. You might be thinking, “Why would she be nervous about that?” Well, because I have zero experience with elementary students and elementary teachers.  I don’t even have observation hours from college in the elementary field! My degree is completely in secondary education.  


I’m excited because it’s a great chance to work with others and see different perspectives.  For the past seven years, all I’ve known is middle school.  I hope to become well-rounded professionally…. and hopefully not physically!  


I’m scared because I’ll be leaving my comfort zone.  And on top of that I’ll actually be taking a pay cut because I won’t be able to coach basketball anymore. #sadface (And this ain’t just a little chunk y’all, we’re talkin’ groceries here!)


If I were to choose one adjective to describe how I feel overall, it would be grateful. I’m grateful to God for this new opportunity to continue to grow in different areas of my life.  And to continue to mature mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Thinking about the emotions I’m feeling, I’ve realized they’re absolutely normal when it comes to change. Change is always nerve wrecking. Change is exciting. Change is scary.  But I’m ready for this new challenge. 

To all my coworkers and students I’ve ever worked with at SMS… THANK YOU for helping to shape me into who I am today.  You all are amazing and I couldn’t have done it with out you.  

Wherever you are or wherever you’re going, I love you and always, ALWAYS remember…

“IT’S A GREAT DAY!” (To be an Apache!)

Teacher Appreciation Week

A lot of people have no clue what teachers go through.  The emotional toll it takes. The heaviness that weighs you down. The sacrifices that are made.  For example, I personally know two teachers, good friends of mine, who this past school year have had burdened hearts and taken in a student to foster them.  

Teachers rock. 

This past Teacher Appreciation Week held a defining moment for me as a teacher. You know what I’m talking about… One of those moments you’ll just never forget.  

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a great moment. 

I was recently being interviewed about what it’s like to be a teacher and some of the struggles we face, and I remember saying something about kid’s coming to school with so many personal issues, and things that weigh them down, and how those things can weigh us down, too. 

That happened this week. In one of my classes, it was a “Free Journal Day” so they got to write about whatever they wanted. I always ask for four volunteers to share, because it can be personal. It’s a small class.  A young man volunteered to read his.  A kid who’s been in trouble a lot of times.  A young man who no doubt will probably be voted Class Clown for the entire 7th grade.  

As he held his head down to read aloud from his notebook, something was different about his countenance. I noticed it when he came into class earlier. But it sprung forth as he read the following from his journal:

The other students, and myself included, became silent when he was done, as he was clearly teary-eyed.  He finally lifted his head and looked right at me where I was able to say, “We’re here for you.”  And another student echoed it saying, “Yeah, (student name), we’re here for you!” As class went on, I ended up writing him a little note saying if he needed anything to let me know. 

So that was on Wednesday. 

Now, I have the pleasure of teaching this particular student for not only one class a day, but two. So, we see each other for 2 hours and 24 minutes every single day. Multiply that by about 175 days of school. That comes to 25, 200 minutes, or 420 hours.   I’m thankful in that amount of time he was so brave to share something like that with myself and 8 other middle schoolers. 

Fast forward to Friday. I had him for his first class in the morning.  He seemed okay.  Then later again in that small class. Right at the beginning he came up to me, and I could tell he was upset. He asked if he could talk to me in the hallway, so I got things started with the other students and then we stepped outside. 

He started crying and telling me about how another student at lunch said she had lost her dad and he had given her a letter about how much she meant to him, and he told me that upset him because he’s never known that from his own father.  He broke down and obviously wasn’t going to be able to focus. I gave him some options, and in the end he decided to take a piece of paper out in to the hallway and write a letter to his dad of all the things he would want to say to him. 

As he was doing that, it broke my heart. Because I too, know what it’s like to lose a dad… and a step-dad. 

While he was writing his little heart out I decided that I would write him a letter. His dad never told him how he felt but I figured  maybe I could. He clearly needed some encouragement. I put it in an envelope and gave it to him when the bell rang. 

I don’t know what his reaction was when he read it. And that’s okay. Like I said earlier, it was a defining moment as a teacher, one that comes with a heavy heart. It hurts seeing my students hurt. But it was a reminder to me of a verse that keeps me going everyday, even when it gets hard:

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” -‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭KJV‬

Power. Position. Purpose. 

“but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear” -‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.” -‭‭Mark‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose” -Luke‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose.” -‭‭John‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬

If you’ve read the four gospels, you know that they all go hand in hand with the account of Jesus. Sometimes, however, one gives a bit more information than the other.  

But what about John the Baptist? 

It’s no accident that in all four accounts, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John… that John the Baptist is given an opportunity to be humble. He humbled himself

There he was, preaching in the wilderness, baptizing others, and sure, he could’ve taken credit. He could’ve made an even bigger name for himself than what he already had. Obviously people knew him. The Pharisees knew him. The king knew him. I mean, who hadn’t heard about this wild man wearing sackcloth and eating locusts and honey?!

He had power. He had position. But he knew… oh my, did he know… his purpose. John the Baptist knew his calling and his purpose: to prepare the way for the one alone who could save souls: Jesus Christ. 

In each and every account from the gospels, as stated in the verses above, John the Baptist intentionally humbles himself and gives credit where credit is due. He doesn’t make himself greater than what he is. He magnifies the name of Jesus while minimizing his own. 

In every instance he talks about his unworthiness to even loosen a filthy, dirty sandle from the feet of The One, True King. He knows his power. He knows his position. But he ultimately knows his purpose

If you’re a saved child of God who gets discouraged and says, “I don’t know my purpose in life.” Sweet friend, let me remind you; we all have a purpose. If you’re walking in the will of the Lord Almighty, your purpose is just like John’s: to prepare the way. 

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” -Mark‬ ‭16:15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Now back to my original question: What about John the Baptist? 

Ha. If John the Baptist could answer that question I bet he would answer it like this: “What ABOUT John the Baptist? It’s not about me. It’s about Him!”

Keep your focus. If God gives you an opportunity to be humble, take it. Don’t try to take credit that’s not yours.  Don’t let your power or your position get in the way of your purpose: to prepare the way for Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Life After Easter

As I delved into the Word this morning, the day after Easter, I was convicted by a verse in the New Testament:

“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”  (Luke‬ ‭1:46-47‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

This verse is referring to Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her pregnancy.  Two questions I asked myself upon reading this verse were: 1.  Why was her soul magnifying the Lord?  And 2. Why was her spirit rejoicing in God her Savior?

Those are two great questions to reflect on right after Easter. Two convicting questions for the day after Easter as well.  Speaking of Easter, we had an amazing turnout at church for our service. About 715 people; for a small town of about 20,000, that’s awesome!  I would say the two most popular occasions for people to attend church are Christmas and Easter.  

Time-out:  Now to those of you who might get offended by this, and question peoples’ reasons for attending church,  here’s some advice:  Instead of criticizing our culture for not being “all in”, we should probably pray for them. The tongue is a wicked, wicked member.  And one thing I’ve been learning when I see other people who aren’t “like me” is a good ole’ reminder from the Holy Spirit that I was once like that.  Shame on us for comparing ourselves to others when we should be comparing ourselves to Jesus. 

Time-in.  Going back to Mary, if we continue to read the next verses, we learn the answer to those two “why” questions. 

“For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.” (‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:48-49‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

She was in awe that God would use someone like her… Just a teenager… Just a handmaiden.  She knew how undeserving a girl like herself was and she was so humbled for God’s work in her life. (With a spirit like that, it’s no wonder God wanted to use her!). The verses go on and she continues to glorify God. 

But now, another “why” question. Why is that verse convicting the day after Easter?  Well, it’s convicting to me because I don’t want to be someone  who only magnifies the Lord on Easter Sunday. I want my soul to magnify the Lord on Monday… And the other 364 days in a year!  I shouldn’t only be rejoicing in God my Savior on Easter Sunday or on Sundays in general, because God is still my Savior the other days of the week, too!  

Here’s why it’s even more convicting. Because as a teacher, as a coach, a friend, a sister, a daughter… All roles outside of the church…. I wonder if those around me can tell that my soul magnifies the Lord throughout the week?  Can they see that my spirit rejoices in God my Savior?  Is my life and words and social media portraying that message to those outside the church walls?  I’d be interested in how my coworkers, students,  friends, and family would respond.  Hint:  If you’re scared to ask that question, then you probably already know the answer.  #ouch 

So before giving “Chreasters” a hard time for only going to church twice a year, I think we should examine ourselves and how/if we magnify and rejoice in the Lord the other 363 days in a year. 

Mic drop. 🎤